“ I got the routine

So drop another nickel in the machine

… …”

認識他以後,她開始養成每天挑個主題來聽歌的習慣,今天突然很想聽 “ One for my baby”,本來心裡想的是Frank Sinatra唱的版本,打開Spotify卻發現有她最愛的Bille Holiday唱的版本,Lady Day的聲音沒有讓她失望過,曾經陪伴她走過許多漫漫長夜。




-----------------以下為英文版 ----------------

“ I got the routine

So drop another nickel in the machine

… …”

She picked up a habit to choose a theme for the songs to listen every day after she met him. Today she had the Jazz hit “ One for my baby” in her mind, the version interpreted by Frank Sinatra, but found the Billie Holiday version after she opened Spotify. Lady Day had never failed her, her voice accompany her through many long nights. 

As the tune went on, she thought about after they met in online apps, in one unstoppable, enjoyable conversation just like they always had, was  almost coming to the end, he said: “ I feel like when we’re allowed to socialise again, we ought to go out somewhere with a decent jukebox, comfortable seating and tasty food. That’d be a great day.”

And it turned out, they met in the last day of the pandemic year, came to the new year in each other’s body warmth. 


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